A Dream Come True
Nov 28, 2018
Sudarshani and Indika live in their new Habitat home with their four children aged 17, 11, 8 and 4 and Sudarshani’s elderly mother. The family of seven previously lived in a single room temporary shelter made of wooden planks, which Indika had sourced from the neighbourhood.
“This is a dream come true for our family. I believe this new home is the beginning of a brand new chapter in our lives”

Indika’s main livelihood is deep sea fishing, however since Sudarshani suffers from Epilepsy, Indika has been unable to leave his family for long periods of time and has been working as a daily wage labourer in order to care for his family during this difficult time. With the increase in cost of living and the lack of daily wage labour opportunities Indika says their family has been struggling to cover their basic needs in the last two years. Given their circumstances Sudarshani and Indika firmly believe that their new Habitat Home was indeed a blessing from God, as they could otherwise never imagine owning a home of their own.

Sudarshani who was excited to show us her new home which they had taken much care in decorating. She said, “This is a dream come true for our family. I believe this new home is the beginning of a brand-new chapter in our lives”. She is confident that her children now have a safe place to grow up in.
Sudarshani has been undergoing treatment for her seizures and with the help of her mother, she is now looking to gain employment in the nearby village. Indika too feels that he no longer has to fear for the safety of his family because of their new home, and he is once again hoping to begin his fishing expeditions.
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