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Appropriate Construction Technology (Eco-friendly construction)
Benefits of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks

Eco friendly & Energy efficiency
  • good strength, insulation and thermal properties.
  • less carbon emission and embodied energy in the production phase.
  • resultant low levels of waste can easily be disposed of with no direct environmental pollution during the life cycle.
  • earth-based blocks also have the ability to absorb atmospheric moisture and create a healthy environment inside a building for its occupants.

  • Plastering is not needed due to better block finish.
  • Increases the use of locally sourced materials, and provides an alternative to mining river sand.
  • Generates local employment and develops livelihoods.
  • Boosts the local economy and discourages spending on more expensive imported materials.
  • Reduced transportation cost as the CSEB is produced on site.
  • Quality housing available to more low-income families.

Feasibility Study on Appropriate Construction Technology

A feasibility study published by the European Union has cited CSEBs as a low-carbon, low embodied energy solution for sustainable development.

A matrix study on appropriate construction materials conducted by Jim Kendall, Appropriate Construction Technology Specialist and the Auroville Earth Institute has recognized CSEB as chief among all other appropriate construction technologies for its :

  • Use of locally available materials.
  • Appearance and finish.
  • Cost effectiveness.
  • Thermal comfort.
  • Cement content.
  • CO2 emissions in material production.
  • Initial embodied energy.

Adaikan Rajeshwary
Adaikan Rajeshwary’s eyes lit with joy and pride at the restoration of her family’s dignity. The transition from a tin hut to an eco-friendly home was a big milestone for her. The little rustic village of Vallipuanam in Mullaitivu, once ravaged by war, was abuzz with celebration as she boiled the traditional milk in her new home in September 2019. The fully completed, environmentally-friendly, lockable house was home not only to her, but also her aged parents. As incense sticks were lit in prayer to the deities that blessed her, she also thanked Habitat for keeping their promise and reassuring her of safety, shelter and sustainability
Adaikan Rajeshwary
Mullaitivu (2019)
Rajappan Jagatheeswaran
We prefer the earth blocks as the technology behind it was clearly explained to us at the Community Meetings. I took leave from my job and helped in the construction working alongside the masons and technical officers. They were very responsive and assisted us promptly. Ours is a CSEB model house and only two months were taken to construct it. We have been living in this home for a year now and we have had no problems at all. CSEB homes are much cooler than traditional homes. I feel very comfortable when I walk in and it feels easier to breathe inside. I really like this technology very much.
Rajappan Jagatheeswaran
Mullaitivu (2019)
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