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  3. What We Do
Home Construction
Habitat builds affordable homes for families in urgent need of safe shelter. These Habitat homes are large enough for the homeowner family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs affordable.
Home Improvements
Habitat rehabilitates and repairs houses with the help of homeowners, skilled personnel, volunteer labor and financial and material donations. Habitat’s Home Improvement program enables vulnerable families to achieve stability.
Water and Sanitation
Habitat provides communities with access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities and proper hygiene through the construction of water and sanitation facilities and through the provision of hygiene awareness.
Community Development
Habitat’s interventions in communities precipitate community development. Habitat goes beyond building houses and focuses on building resilient communities with access to infrastructure and facilities.
Disaster Response
Through its Disaster Risk Reduction programs Habitat supports marginalized communities to become disaster-resilient communities. Habitat Sri Lanka’s largest disaster response program focused on constructing homes for nearly 5,000 families.
Environmentally Friendly Technology
Since 2016 Habitat Sri Lanka has been focused on promoting groundbreaking environmentally friendly construction technology, referred to as ‘Appropriate Technology’ which explores construction using Earth Blocks.
Meet the Families Supported by Habitat Sri Lanka.
Finally Home

“This beautiful new home, the bountiful harvest, and the child I am carrying are all good omen for us to start a new life, after many years of wandering as displaced persons. Thank you on behalf of my child." Kailayapillai Koneswary, a recipient of a home through the...
A Brand New Chapter

Dulcy Katherine, is a vibrant 90-year old lady considered a pillar of the visually impaired homeowner community in Nayanalokagama Village in Katana. Having lived a full life, Dulcy reflects on the hardships she has faced throughout her life. After many years of...
Light at the End of the Tunnel

Saranapala, has been visually impaired since birth; however this has never stopped him from striving hard to build a better life for himself and his family. Saranapala and his wife Indrani live in Nayanalokagama with their Son, Daughter-in-law and three grandkids aged...
Rising from the Ashes

Nadeeshani and Dayaratne and their three young children; Ravindu, Kiruli and Shanuli had just moved into their newly constructed home in Yatiyantota when the devastating Cyclone Roanu struck Sri Lanka in May 2016. Nadeeshani and her family were asked to evacuate and...