Jun 11, 2019
Premalatha works in the plantations of Hellbodde Estate and is a part of the committee formed by the homeowners of the Indian Housing Project. She is a resilient single mother of two. Her daughter is happily married and lives close by to her new home with her own family. Premalatha lives in her new Habitat home with her son; who works in the town as a mason. A great source of strength to her, he has always supported her in life since he was young. Reflecting on how her life has changed after being a beneficiary of the Indian Housing Project; Premalatha says “I had to go through so many struggles with my abusive husband years ago; I had no choice but to keep moving forward and be strong for my children… I always dreamed of being able to live comfortably in a home that was my own”.

A strong advocate of female empowerment in her community she works hard to be a source of support and friendship to her neighbors. Premalatha also facilitates language classes (Sinhalese and Tamil) for the youth in her community; in hopes that they will be better equipped in the world to find good employment. Premalatha is very happy with the opportunity that the Indian Housing Project has given her to become a homeowner. She says; “This is a decade long dream that is finally coming true. I have no words to thank Habitat for Humanity for making my dreams become a reality”.

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