Path to Stability
Apr 25, 2020
Yogarani and her husband Sogkumar are parents to three sons; Kishan, Dinushka and Menaka. Sogkumar earns minimum wage by engaging in multiple jobs. He juggles between driving a school bus and taking ‘Tuk Tuk’ hires in order to support the family, while Yogarani works as an estate worker at Le Vallon Estate.
They previously lived in a line-room which was home to multiple families. This limited space was shared by nearly fifteen people and their life in the line-room was one full of challenges. The one bedroom space had very poor ventilation an no access to safe drinking water or electricity. The poor sanitation facilities caused their young children to fall ill on many occasions. The children studied under a single lamp light and the lack of space made it all the more difficult, with no privacy for the family.

Given their low-earning capabilities, Yogarani and Sogkumar knew they could never afford a home of their own until they were selected as beneficiaries of the Indian Housing Project.

Yogarani’s new Habitat Home will not only mean that her family will be living in a clean environment with access to electricity and water, but it will also provide her family privacy and the security they need.
“To me, a home is as valuable and impactful as a place of worship. The value of this home cannot be measured. It means so much to us.”
Indian Housing Project, Kandy 2019
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