From Surviving to Thriving
Nov 27, 2018
Prior to shifting into their conventional home constructed by Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka through the European Union funded housing project, Sinnathamby, his wife and four daughters lived with extended family and was gradually able to build a temporary shelter. As a family, they faced many challenges to seek security during the war, but were fortunate enough to resettle in their own land, and in their own village once the war had ended. The head of the household; Sinnathamby at age 62; works as a daily wage laborer and remarked how difficult it was to build a home on his own, while also providing for his family. His eldest daughter, Dharshini aged 20 was blessed in marriage last year, and now he is supporting his younger daughters who are all going to school.

They are aged 17 (Usha), 13 (Tharani) and 12 (Nisha), and are eager to do well with their studies. Sinnathamby and his wife commented on how Habitat Sri Lanka and the EU team came together and helped them to regain control of their life, which was full of uncertainty.

They now have a safe lockable home that is able to give the essential sense of security for their daughters.

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