Hope of a Brighter Tomorrow
Nov 28, 2018
Mohanaledchami is expecting her second child in early August, and is currently preparing for this new addition to her life. She lives with her husband, her daughter (10), her mother and her mother in-law; and they are a very close-knit family

Mohanaledchami remarks that she is beyond relieved to be able bring her new baby to a home that will become the foundation to her complete family and is so grateful to Habitat Sri Lanka and the Indian Housing Project for this milestone in their life.

Mohanaledchami’s 10 year old daughter Pavitra is excited about her new Habitat home as well; she has planned to decorate the house in various ways and is mostly looking forward to having a room to share with her new baby sibling. When asked what Pavitra would do first in her new room, she gleamed and said “Study!”

Pavitra snuggles up to her grandmother as she is asked how she will decorate her own room in their new Habitat Home.

The area they live in demands that Mohanaledchami has to walk miles to fetch water several times a day to get clean water in order to keep their storage full. She says that having this home lifts a great burden off her because she now knows that her family will have adequate sanitation in their new home, as well as the security that they have prayed to have all these years.

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