Light at the End of the Tunnel
Jun 19, 2020
Saranapala, has been visually impaired since birth; however this has never stopped him from striving hard to build a better life for himself and his family. Saranapala and his wife Indrani live in Nayanalokagama with their Son, Daughter-in-law and three grandkids aged 14, 12 and 6.
Apart from their previous house being overcrowded they also faced a sanitary and hygiene issues. Their bathing and sanitation area was located outside of the house - which was challenging to access at night especially for Saranapala. Their previous toilet was a fragile temporary structure which was made with tarpaulin covers. There was minimal privacy and was not a lockable structure. The roof of their house was constantly leaking whenever it rained and they did not have adequate space to stay or keep their belongings safe.

Saranapala says, feels that being selected to receive a home through Habitat’s Homes for Hope Project, has been the turning point in his life. Moving into their new Habitat home has been an amazing experience for Saranapala and Indrani. His wife Indrani, was especially moved by the generous support of the volunteers who supported Habitat Sri Lanka through the Global Village program. “I wanted to work alongside them to show them how much I appreciated their kindness.”
Their children contributed by providing their new home with brand new furniture - as a sign of sharing the joy of this new chapter in life. They are now able to live a life that is filled with contentment - and hope for better days. The burden of building a home is now off their shoulders; and together they are able to focus on living a fruitful and joyful life with the rest of their family.
“I was depressed for many years, that there was just no way for me to provide my family a safe home. Now living in this new home I have become much more positive in my outlook on life. I am much happier than before, thank you Habitat.”
Homes for Hope Project, Kalutara 2020
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