New Beginnings
Nov 28, 2018
Vajira and her family moved into their first own home constructed through the Kalutara Housing Project lead by Habitat for Humanity on the 1st of April 2018.

Vajira was compelled to be the breadwinner of her family because her husband had an unfortunate accident and lost his thumb while was operating heavy machinery at his job- and due to this situation, he is unable to find a paying job. Vajira recalls a time when they lived in a wooden shack they called home. She feared for her daughters safety in their previous home as it wouldget flooded during the rainy season. Today Vajira says she is no longer afraid for her daughter’s safety as they finally have a safe place to call home.

“This Habitat home is more than a house to her family - it is a relief to an otherwise difficult life.”-Vajira Vincentiyanygama

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