Paving New Avenues
Jun 11, 2019
Like most families during the war, Yohamalar and her family were compelled to seek shelter in refugee camps. After the war ended in 2009 her family built a temporary shelter for themselves, but it lacks security and it is a constricted space. Yohamalar has overcome many challenges while supporting her family, and cares for her teenage son who has special needs while continuously trying to create a safe and warm environment for him to grow up in. The 50 year old mother explains how proud she is of her elder daughter who is currently doing a course on Nursing, and will be the first female in her whole family to start earning her own income. Yohamalar expressed how hopeful and thrilled she is with the construction of their new home.

Yohamalar told us that her joy comes from a place that truly believes this new home will be a driving force in their life as a family, and will “improve the quality of life” for her children and “help them study better and have a better chance and creating a good life for themselves.”

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