Rebuilding Hope
Jun 10, 2019
Chandani lives with her husband Dayananda, daughter Dinushika, and her son Gayan. Chandani also takes care of her mother, who is ill and unable to walk. Chandani and her family suffered the impact of the disaster that struck in May of 2016, losing their home to the landslides. They felt extremely fortunate when they learned that they will be getting a new home. The whole family looks at this home as a blessing, because it provides them a safe place to live. Dayananda and Gayan both work at a restaurant in Gampaha; and the women of the household live by themselves in their new home.

Chandani says she “Feels safe in this community more than anything else”, as they feel that they’re part of a greater community because the other homeowners are so closeby and a majority are housewives who are at home during the day in case of any emergency. They have plans to gradually expand their new home with their hard work in the years to come. Chandani cannot wipe the smile off of her face as she speaks about her new home.

“We never imagined that we would be able to rebuild our lives after we lost our home in the landslides. We are so grateful to Habitat for Humanity for their support and feel so blessed that my family finally has a safe and permanent place to call home”

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