Aysha Rifam - lImah International Girls School (Sri Lanka)
“Knowledge is of no use if it’s not put into action” and Habitat for Humanity did just that. It taught us unity, equality and most importantly respect. Working with my team was a wonderful experience and memory that will never fade.

As once said by Mahatma Gandhi: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” We are never satisfied with what we have instead we crave for more. But, that day, looking at the difficulty faced by so many families made me realize how self-centered we have all been. It taught me to be grateful for what I have been blessed with, and to help others with an open heart.

I think that’s where Habitat for Humanity really stands; it brought out humanity in every one of us. I would like to thank Habitat for Humanity for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. “It was a memory that would last forever and an experience that taught better.”