Jennifer Lemke (Netherlands)
Jennifer Lemke is not only the team leader of a group of 14 power women called ‘Hammers and Heels’ but she is also the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Netherlands. Jennifer considers ‘Hammers and Heels’ a medium to expose people in the various walks of life to the work of Habitat worldwide. Prior to their GV trip to Sri Lanka, the Power Women made three other GV trips in the recent past, where they volunteered and helped to uplift communities. As a team leader Jennifer is passionate about giving the team opportunities to experience new places and cultures while giving them great memories and also validating their efforts.
The ‘Hammers and Heels’ team finds volunteering fulfilling because it not only provides them with an opportunity to make a meaningful change in people’s lives but it also allows them to experience how selfless people can truly be, in spite of them having very little and yet are willing to share what little they have even with strangers. Jennifer made her first trip to Sri Lanka a little over ten years ago- in the aftermath of the Tsunami. In May 2018, Jennifer had the opportunity to return to Sri Lanka through ‘Hammers and Heels’. Volunteering in Sri Lanka years later and assisting victims of the civil war to rebuild their lives, has been an unforgettable experience for Jennifer. She’s proud that her team was able to play a small yet vital role in helping people to uplift the quality of their lives through Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka was always close to my heart. It was very fulfilling to be able to help the communities rebuild after the Tsunami disaster. I was happy my team chose Sri Lanka as our destination for this year’s trip. I’m so happy to be back in this beautiful country.
Jennifer Lemke, 2018
National Director, Habitat Netherlands