Mandini Gunasekara - Fulbright Commission (Sri Lanka)
I volunteered at two events hosted by Habitat Sri Lanka so far. The first being Board, Family and Friends Build 2019 on the 15th of January, and the second being the Youth Rebuild 2019 on the 11th of March, both of which took place in Nayanalokagama, Negombo.

The events were organized perfectly. It was evident how much thought and care was put into the safety and comfort of the volunteers and the Habitat representatives were incredibly kind and helpful which made working with Habitat better than I could’ve ever imagined.

At the end of each event, a representative from the community of Nayanalokagama spoke a few words expressing how grateful they were for the work Habitat does for communities like theirs, which really brought to perspective how important projects like these are to the less privileged communities. Seeing the smiles on their faces as they thanked us for our hard work was truly heartwarming and rewarding.