Searching for a New Chapter
Apr 7, 2020
Kishan (33), is the first born of Christopher and Padmawathi (60) living in Kadirana, Katana. Kishan started showing signs of weakening mental stability and cognitive development when he was just 07 years old. His family believes that he lost his ability to speak after a traumatic experience when children in the neighborhood scared him with firecrackers, while he was playing alone.
Christopher Rathnasekara
Christopher, the owner of a flourishing delivery business at the time and proprietor of multiple lands and a vehicle of their own sold off all of their assets in the hopes of providing Kishan with the best medical attention possible to help him return to normalcy, to no avail.
It has always been my dream to provide a stable home for my children. A home is not just a house with four walls, it is so much more. My dream is to someday be able to provide Kishan with the stability he deserves and a chance to begin a new chapter in our lives.
Christopher Rathnasekara
Katana, Gampaha District
Sponsor a Home for Christopher's Family | FUNDS NEEDED - LKR 350,000 | Every Gift Makes Difference | to a family in need.
Their two daughters – Praveena (24) and Praboda (22), despite their challenging circumstances, pushed boundaries to elevate their lives by creating opportunities for themselves. Praveena who is passionate about being an educator has recently completed a Diploma in Teaching and is currently waiting a teaching appointment in 2020. Praboda, is an aspiring artist who in her final year of a degree program in Art at a private university.

The family of 06 lives together in a two roomed structure that is barely enough to accommodate them all. In this congested space they not only feel uninspired and stagnant but with the years passed by the walls of the house too have weakened and their roof also has many issues. Above all now their little house is scattered with paints, paintings, carving tools and clay models as Praboda is currently preparing for her final Art exhibition.

Christopher is in a constant struggle working daily to earn enough to afford medical care for Krishan, to be able to afford paint and art supplies for Proboda by selling betel leaves as a means of finding an income to support his family in order to provide his children with their necessities, well-being and growth.